Skydweller Aero Inc.
Anchor Organization
Aerospace | Clean Tech | Defense | Electric Vehicle Manufacturing | Manufacturing | Technology

Meeting Objectives
Skydweller Aero is interested in meeting with businesses that provide innovative solutions for our aerospace company. These include:
Transportation/Logistics/Warehousing |
Construction |
Avionics |
Materials |
Cooling Systems |
Organization Profile
Skydweller Aero Inc. is a pioneering transatlantic aerospace company developing and manufacturing a fleet of very large solar-powered aircraft capable of achieving perpetual uncrewed flight with heavy, powerful payloads. Because Skydwellers are solar-powered, uncrewed and autonomous, they are inexpensive to operate and maintain: It also has a zero carbon footprint. Skydweller Aero is headquartered in Oklahoma City, with research and development facilities in Spain, and its operating base and future integration site in Mississippi.
The Skydweller aircraft is derived from Solar Impulse’s developmental airframes with over 1,200 hours and significant investment. In its original manned configuration, the aircraft was refined over 14 years and approved by both the FAA and EASA to fly over densely populated areas. It successfully circumnavigated the globe in 2016 by solving the solar cycle. The current Skydweller airframe has flown for 5 days and nights (longest solo flight of any manned aircraft), demonstrating the ability to fly indefinitely once the crew in the cockpit is removed. The Skydweller aircraft is the natural evolution of Solar Impulse II. With the pilot and life support removed, and redundant flight systems, payloads, and high-bandwidth communications installed, the Skydweller UAS provides game-changing capabilities. An updated lightweight fuselage not rated for pilot protection increases payload capacity to over 300 lbs. The aircraft has a perfect flight safety record with no mishaps or emergencies to date.
From 2019 Skydweller has been developing the world’s first commercially viable perpetual flight solar powered aircraft that can provide real military and commercial utility. It is capable of carrying up to 800lbs of payload and providing 2kW of power on average. The Skydweller Uncrewed Aircraft System (UAS) a the wingspan greater than a 747 aircraft (236 ft) and weighs about the same as an F-150 truck. Skydweller is currently executing a demonstration for US SOUTHCOM and the US Navy PEO Uncrewed Weapons. Skydweller will complement existing systems such as Triton, P-8, and the Grey Eagle by reducing the burden on these high demand low density assets.
The Skydweller UAS’s zero carbon footprint operation represents the state of the art in electrification of aviation. Secretary Wormuth writes in the Army Climate Strategy that as the “Army optimizes the use of fuel, water, electricity, and other resources, we increase our resilience while saving taxpayer dollars and reducing our impact on the planet. The Army will mitigate and adapt to climate change, and in doing so gain a strategic advantage, especially as we continue to outpace our near-peer competitors”. Skydweller UAS supports the Army across the board with lower operating costs (instead of maintenance hours per flight hour Skydweller uses flight days per maintenance hour), which mitigates the need for forward operating bases (and associated logistical support costs), increased survivability over conventional airborne assets, and new resilient communications and electronic warfare capabilities which outclass near-peer competition. In short it provides a true game changer for low cost, advanced long term overseas operations